Funny story - Car maker CEO admits bumpers were probably a damn good idea!

Car maker CEO admits bumpers were probably a damn good idea!

Global auto manufacturers gathered in San Diego at the tri-annual WAMOS convention on Monday, to talk about the future of auto safety. But one CEO in attendance, was more nostalgic about past safety ideas that worked very well, but have been aband…

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Funny story - Popular vehicles in nationwide recall

Popular vehicles in nationwide recall

State and Territory Transport Departments have issued an urgent recall of cars made by all popular manufacturers. The Federal Government is coordinating the recall but leaving the administrative and practical details to State and Territory governm…

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Funny story - Danica Patrick Explains Her Brand New Tattoo

Danica Patrick Explains Her Brand New Tattoo

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona - NASCAR race car driver Danica Patrick flew into Scottsdale, the home of website domain provider GoDaddy, to meet with its CEO Blake Irving. Danica has been with the company since 2006, and her contract will expire next year.

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Funny story - Heated Auto Seats Contribute to Rise in Deadly Anal & Urinal Infections

Heated Auto Seats Contribute to Rise in Deadly Anal & Urinal Infections

ALBANY - The National Institute of Research on Auto-Immune Diseases released a report today citing heated seats in automobiles as the likely reason for the recent rash of urinary tract (UTI's) and anal/rectal infections (ARI's).

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Funny story - Cars 3 to Include First Gay Scene Between Two Cars

Cars 3 to Include First Gay Scene Between Two Cars

Cars 3, the third instalment of the highly popular Disney/Pixar Studios films about a bunch of racing cars, will feature the first gays scene between two cars in film history. In a move that will please liberals and shock republicans in equal meas...

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Funny story - Dude … Where’s My Hover Car?

Dude … Where’s My Hover Car?

Since the 1950s, we were all promised hover cars. Where are they? Well, old Elon his Muskiness, has introduced the world’s first hover car! I was given a private tour of the facility where cars of the future are being made today! (Wasn’t that a…

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Funny story - Ford Brexit to be announced soon

Ford Brexit to be announced soon

BRITAIN and FRANCE – (Satire News) – There is a rumor in the automotive industry that the traditional and most popular car model of the past years will make a comeback in a new form. “Actually it's a pretty strong piece of information just waiting…

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Funny story - Hoopty Dreams - in Cars

Hoopty Dreams - in Cars

We are not laughing with you, sir. We gaze at you with mock awe. Your Honda with the oversized muffler and “spoiler” looks and sounds like a septuagenarian musician who “almost made it”. OR, or you are laughing at yourself, which is a quality I c…

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Funny story - Queen Elizabeth Has Just Sold Her Extremely Expensive 2022 Lamborghini Murcielago Deluxe

Queen Elizabeth Has Just Sold Her Extremely Expensive 2022 Lamborghini Murcielago Deluxe

LONDON - (Satire News) - A source inside Buckingham Palace has just announced that her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, has just sold her 2022 Lamborghini Murcielago Deluxe, which was only one of 17 that were manufactured. She reportedly sold her extreme…

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Funny story - Ten Little Known Facts About Tonight Show Host Jay Leno

Ten Little Known Facts About Tonight Show Host Jay Leno

Jay Leno says that he loves hosting The Tonight Show so much that he plans on doing it when he is well into his 80s even if he has to do the stand up monologue using a walker. He recently told Carolina Chipotle of Bedroom Pillow Talk that if he is ever fired by NBC that he would possibly consider burning down The Tonight Show studio. Leno acknowledged that he knows it will probably mean that...

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Funny story - Traffic engineers slowing traffic flow with perpetual red lights

Traffic engineers slowing traffic flow with perpetual red lights

Frustrated motorists are asking why but no answers are yet forthcoming. Over the past week as we emerge from the COVID shutdown, the eastern half of the United States is at a traffic standstill. For reasons still unknown, all traffic lights in mos…

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Funny story - Elon Musk Is Developing The Ultra-Modern Tesla Flying Car

Elon Musk Is Developing The Ultra-Modern Tesla Flying Car

AUSTIN, Texas - (Satire News) - Elon Musk, the gazillionaire whose brain never, ever stops being creative has just announced to the modern world that he currently has the brightest automotive brains in the entire world working on his new Elon Musk Te…

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Funny story - Chrysler to Introduce the World’s Smallest Car

Chrysler to Introduce the World’s Smallest Car

DETROIT – The Chrysler Motor Corporation has just announced that they will soon be coming out with a brand new automobile. Chrysler spokeswoman Pamela Paloonick, 59, said that the car giant will be introducing the 2021 Chrysler Koala. She stat...

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Funny story - A Cuddler On My Six - A Traveler's Commentary

A Cuddler On My Six - A Traveler's Commentary

Simon Trevoc travels the country meeting new people, then tells us all about it. Join him in his new adventure. A sultry July night. I'm driving west on I-80 at ninety-one miles per hour. Headlights in my rearview draw closer and closer. Through...

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Funny story - Nashville Man Locks Keys to Happiness - and Regular Keys - in Car

Nashville Man Locks Keys to Happiness - and Regular Keys - in Car

Jesse Hancock of Nashville, Tennessee, delighted to discover the keys to happiness in a book at his neighborhood branch library, hastily jotted them on a scrap of paper, only to accidentally lock them in his car - along with his regular keys. "So...

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Funny story - Parking Goddess missing; whereabouts unknown

Parking Goddess missing; whereabouts unknown

A report filed yesterday by official NSA sources within the US Government included a rather unwelcome development for unassuming people that pray to the Parking Goddess. Maya Moskovitz has not been seen or heard from in almost 130 years. Ms. Moskovit…

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Funny story - Fart Powered Car Breaks Record

Fart Powered Car Breaks Record

A British engineer from Hampshire has broken the world land speed record for a human gas powered vehicle. Richard Jenkins reached 126.1 mph (202.9 kmh) in his car Greenbird on the dry plains of Ivanpah Lake in Nevada purely by using farts, collect...

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Funny story - French Environmentalists and Politicians Demand Cleaner-Burning Cars

French Environmentalists and Politicians Demand Cleaner-Burning Cars

After nearly a thousand cars were torched by French party animals celebrating the New Year, the country's environmentalists and politicians are demanding change. Addressing reporters on the Champs Elysee, environment minister Otto LaFlamme pointed...

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Funny story - Hybrid Cars Still Butt Ugly

Hybrid Cars Still Butt Ugly

Beverly Hills - Hybrid cars get great gas mileage and qualify for generous tax rebates, but the current crop is "Butt Ugly" according to fashion designer Tommy Hilfinger. " When you own a piece of automotive art like a Porsche 911 or...

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Funny story - List of Rejected Car Names For 2009

List of Rejected Car Names For 2009

This article will appear in the November issue of Showroom Floor Extensively Illustrated Semi-Monthly Magazine Every year the automobile industry comes up with literally hundreds of possible names for their new line of automobiles. Three of the most popular names from the past have been the Ford Mustang which first appeared in 1964, the Chevrolet Corvette which came out in 1953, and the Pon...

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