Porn Star Claims Pelosi Was In Adult Films In The Early Seventies
Former adult film Actress Georgina Spelvin claims in her just published autobiography, The Devil in Miss Michelle Graham, that Nancy Pelosi appeared in a number of adult films made in the early 1970s. Most shocking of all the claims...
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Dancing Rats in Baltimore - Amazing!
BALTIMORE MD - It has been more than three years since "New York City Pizza Rat" became an Internet video sensation. Some clever residents of Baltimore have used video editing software and camera footage to create a new "Extravaganza of Rodent Choreo...
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The politics of survival in Ghost Town, N.J., is existential, brutal and sad!
GHOST TOWN, N.J. - "Mayor, Fat Cat Fringo wants to know if you've had the city water crew run the city water lines to his underground casino on the north side yet." I walked into the mayor's office and he was finagling around with one of those Rub...
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Trump Denounces Science as a Democratic Hoax
Monowi, Nebraska From the campaign trail, Donald Trump, at a question and answer session, expressed his views on Science. "Science is a big hoax perpetrated by Hillary and the Democratic Party to hoodwink the American people into believing in glob...
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Beauty Contest Between Republican and Democrat Women
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Alaska Governor Sara Palin have teamed up and issued a challenge for a beauty contest amongst Democrat and Republican Women. Contestants will vie for a coveted position in politics for their respective part...
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A Republican Woman Is Caught Wearing Rainbow Panties
KISSIMMEE, Florida – (Satire News) – A recent Quinnipinni Poll showed that 98.3% of all Republicans are anti-gay and anti-lesbian. Of course many will deny it since some, strangely enough, now have some member of their family, who bats for the oth…
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Kari Lake: “I’ll Accept Arizona Election Results If Democrats Just Stay the F#@k Home November 8”
CIA Ops Create "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone"
Younger Pimps Support Obamacare, Gay Marriage
Governor Brown appoints Progressive's "Flo" Chief of Staff
Political Disease Competition Heats Up
Clinton Finally Concedes
Democrats Approve Stalinist Show Trial for Impeachment
Palin Calls McCain and GOP 'A Bunch of Jerks'
John Edwards: Proof Democrats have More Fun
O'Bama Two Faced Coin Most Popular Commemorative!
The New "Its All About Me" Party
Democrats watching Dave for inspiration

Biden's New Catch Phrase Not Resonating With Gen Z Voters
Washington DC - A poll of younger voters say that Biden's new catch phrase, 'Hey, Get Off My Lawn!' isn't really doing much for them. "Look, we understand," explained Riley Zipher, a 20 year old that was in DC on a family trip, and overheard Biden…
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Maw - Get the Rifle - Them Darn Democrats are Coming for our Cookstove!
The latest Republican Scream of Pain is that the Evil Democrats are going to steal your Gas Cookstove. Most of them are so Rich they don't even know what a Cook Stove looks like. We have a major Crisis with Global Warming. Things have to…
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Democratic Voters Impressed with Candidates' Dislike of Trump and Opposition to Climate Change
In the first two of what promises to be a vibrant and dynamic series of debates among those vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, candidates did not shy away from addressing such critical issues as which of them most disliked President Do...
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Boston Red Sox Hero Curt Shilling Comments on Obama's Failure to Make It In 'The Big Leagues!'
Boston ACE pitcher, Curt Shilling, world series hero, and outspoken political activist addressed the now apparent short falls of Barry Obama after his dismal showing during the recent Massachusetts US Senate election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat.
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Genitalia eating fish with human teeth threat did NOT come from Trump
Spokespersons for Mr. Trump have rushed forward to clarify that Mr. Trump has absolutely nothing to do with the latest alarm concerning genitalia eating fish with human teeth. The pacu under scrutiny (related to the piranha) favors male genitalia...
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Joe Biden Wrestles with Crippling Case of Imposter Syndrome
“Sometimes, I wonder how I even ended up running for vice president - I mean president,” said an incredulous Joe Biden regarding his bid for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election. “I’m not even that smart.” Despite the support and endors...
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COVID-19 Could Mean Lock-Down for Six More Years
WASHINGTON DC - The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an Urgent Situation Update for the Coronavirus Pandemic. The top WHO official, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned nations that "the worst is yet to come." Much of the concern came…
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Amy Coney Barrett is Now a Cruel, Mean, Uncaring, Hate-Filled Pro-Trump GOP Supreme Court Judge
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – Vox Populi is reporting that Trump and the GOPunks have gotten their way. They have shoved in yet another Republican puppet to do whatever the “Divider-in-Chief” wants this spineless Raggedy Ann to do. Vox Populi…
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Trump escapes impeachment by promoting himself to President Of Planet Earth aka POPE.
Following a tiring mind-numbing exercise in composing a six-page letter to Nancy Pelosi sprinkled with vehement denials and accusatory finger-pointing of ‘ impeachment scam & sham’, ‘witch hunt’, ‘fake news’, ‘open war on democracy’, blah blah, P...
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Politically Correct Woman Reluctantly Admits that Left Kind of Sucks Right Now
Rewarding as she’d generally found her relentless efforts to say the right thing, avoid offending anyone, and, most of all, vote “blue no matter who,” Rebecca Tucker of Nashville, Tennessee, was recently forced to admit that the left kind of sucks ri...
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CAIR Honchos to Convene Obamacare Death Panels
Omar Ahmad (CAIR President), Nihad Awad (CAIR Secretary & Treasurer), and Rafeeq Jaber (CAIR Vice President) and Ibrahim Hooper (Communications Director) were named to head the Obamacare Sunset panel, which is more commonly known as the Death Pan...
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Bernie Sanders Insists His Endorsement of Joe Biden Almost as Enthusiastic as His 2016 Endorsement of Hillary Clinton
Weeks after suspending his own run for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders issued a statement officially backing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, stating that his endorsement of Biden was almost as enthusia...
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It's a Teaparty/Trumphead Majority in Congress - Off with the Speaker's Head
For Ten years we have had crazy Republican Tea Party candidates elected to Congress. Now they have teamed up with the newly elected crazier Trumphead candidates and will not elect a new House Speaker - unless given powerful committee assignments.
Read full storyFunny Democrats Headlines
Porn Star Claims Pelosi Was In Adult Films In The Early Seventies
CAIR Honchos to Convene Obamacare Death Panels
Democratic Voters Impressed with Candidates' Dislike of Trump and Opposition to Climate Change
Dancing Rats in Baltimore - Amazing!
Trump escapes impeachment by promoting himself to President Of Planet Earth aka POPE.
Joe Biden Wrestles with Crippling Case of Imposter Syndrome
Politically Correct Woman Reluctantly Admits that Left Kind of Sucks Right Now
Bernie Sanders Insists His Endorsement of Joe Biden Almost as Enthusiastic as His 2016 Endorsement of Hillary Clinton
A Republican Woman Is Caught Wearing Rainbow Panties
Maw - Get the Rifle - Them Darn Democrats are Coming for our Cookstove!
Bush Denies Cross Dressing Past
Boston Red Sox Hero Curt Shilling Comments on Obama's Failure to Make It In 'The Big Leagues!'
Beauty Contest Between Republican and Democrat Women
Genitalia eating fish with human teeth threat did NOT come from Trump
Trump Denounces Science as a Democratic Hoax
The politics of survival in Ghost Town, N.J., is existential, brutal and sad!
COVID-19 Could Mean Lock-Down for Six More Years
Amy Coney Barrett is Now a Cruel, Mean, Uncaring, Hate-Filled Pro-Trump GOP Supreme Court Judge
Biden's New Catch Phrase Not Resonating With Gen Z Voters
It's a Teaparty/Trumphead Majority in Congress - Off with the Speaker's Head