Joe Biden Wrestles with Crippling Case of Imposter Syndrome

Funny story written by Chrissy Benson

Friday, 6 March 2020

image for Joe Biden Wrestles with Crippling Case of Imposter Syndrome
To build confidence, Joe Biden uses a daily affirmation: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and I deserve to be president."

“Sometimes, I wonder how I even ended up running for vice president - I mean president,” said an incredulous Joe Biden regarding his bid for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election. “I’m not even that smart.”

Despite the support and endorsements thrown his way by conservative Democrats like Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobichar, Biden confessed to feeling utterly inadequate for the task at hand. In other words, he admitted, he’s suffering from a crippling case of what is known as "imposter syndrome."

“Other people, like Bernie Sanders, and even Elizabeth Warren, really seem to know what they’re talking about,” said Biden. “I feel like I’m faking it all the time.”

Biden noted, too, that he's felt humiliated at some of the gaffes he’s committed onstage, like mixing up his wife and his sister while making introductions. “They switched positions on me," he said. "It really threw me off."

Exacerbating his sense of feeling like a fraud and an imposter, said Biden, are the tall tales he’s told about his participation in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. “African Americans love me for my - supposed - civil rights record, though, and I can't bear the thought of letting them down by explaining that I never marched against segregation, and that I opposed school busing programs,” he said. “I don’t want to disappoint people. Is that really so bad?”

All that being said, Biden stated that he is determined to continue walking through his emotional discomfort and insecurities about not being good enough – and to continue that march all the way to the White House.

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and I deserve to be vice president - I mean, president,’ he stated, repeating the daily affirmation he uses to build confidence. “This is the United States, after all.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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