Miley Cyrus's Under Age Vagina Flash, A Total Hoax?
Informants inside the Miley Cyrus camp have come forward to expose a hoax perpetrated on the American and world wide fans of the popular singer/actress Miley Cyrus. It appears the entertainer has had an on going grudge against celebrity blogger Pe...
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Dakota Fanning Sues Hannah Montana for Identity Theft
Actress Dakota Fanning has filed a lawsuit in California courts claiming that the Hannah Montana television show has stolen her identity. Fanning, whose full name is Hannah Dakota Fanning, claims that the program stole her name by dropping her last...
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Miley Cyrus Underwear Photo's Fakes
Hannah Montana's squeaky clean image is intact according to her father and country music legend Billy Ray. "Those photo's are not my little girl" and "They have been photo shopped by some sicko" he is reported as telling c...
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Camel Toe shock for Miley Cyrus
Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus got the shock of her life after coming face to face with a massive hairy camel toe. The teen starlet narrowly escaped being trod upon by the angry dromedary whilst visiting a refuge fo...
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Naked, Embarrassed Miley Cyrus Walks Off Stage After Two Songs
Miley Cyrus apparently got permission to do a performance while stark naked and was really excited about the shock effect this would have on her followers and her rivals. Instead, she sang just two songs, started a thid song and gave up, walking o...
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Miley Cyrus not allowed to tour in Europe due to row over her name
Miley Cyrus has had to cancel plans for a short tour of European cities after a row between her management and the European Commission over her name.
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Miley Cyrus Goes for another Jonas!
Miley Cyrus Lost Her Front Teeth
The New Demi Lovato Blonde Bobblehead Dolls Are Flying Off The Retail Store Shelves
Miley Cyrus Fed Up With All The Haters Announces She's Buying A Nudist Resort
Miley Cyrus Says About Paris Hilton: "Sorry, But You Ain't No Marilyn Monroe!"
Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus Will Sing Backup On Paul McCartney's Next Album
Miley Cyrus Wants To Get Into The Restaurant Business
Miley Cyrus Will Make Cameo On "Wizards of Waverly Place"
Dolly Parton says Miley Cyrus' Tits are too small
Lindsay Lohan Says Miley Cyrus Should Be Ashamed Of Herself For Showing Off Her Vagina In Public
Britney Spears Says She's Tired of Miley Cyrus Copying Her "Beaver Shots" Style
Miley Cyrus Says That Haters Hate Because They're Bitter, They're Arrogant, and They're Talentless Assholes

Jon Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8, Denies That He is Physically Involved With Miley Cyrus
WYOMISSING, Pennsylvania – (Celebrity Satire) - The former star of the TLC reality show “Jon and Kate Plus 8”, is denying that he and singer Miley Cyrus are an item. Jon Gosselin, 43, ex-husband of Aerosmith’s Stephen Tyler’s ex-girlfriend, Kate G…
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Miley Cyrus Wears a Diaper
Miley Cyrus wears a diaper to combat a terrible defecation condition that has afflicted her since youth. The teen sensation managed to keep the details secret until now by insisting that attention be focused on her back and her hair only. But due...
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Miley Cyrus Twerking Panties Are Selling Like Peanuts At The Circus
MANHATTAN - (Satire News) - The Watchdog News Agency has just announced that the brand new Miley Cyrus Designer Twerking Panties are the nation's top selling women's underwear. Dylan Fresco with WNA says that according to US Federation of News Age…
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Miley Cyrus Cleveland Steamer pics
In an attempt to distract the world from the risqué pictures currently circulating on the internet, Miley Cyrus has published her photographic collection of famous American boats through the ages.
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Danica Patrick Shocked At The Miley Cyrus Offer To Join Her Nudist Resort
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico - Sexy NASCAR race car driver Danica Patrick was in Albuquerque on a promotional tour for her new line of Danica Patrick Bikini Thong Panties®. She was asked by a reporter for a local newspaper to comment on the recent...
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Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus Seen Making Out at The La Brea Tar Pits
LOS ANGELES – (Satire News) – In a time when genderism is becoming harder and harder to pinpoint, many individuals are now identifying as transgender, cisgender, third gender, fluid gender, and even fender gender. Hollywood Vis-à-Vis reports that…
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Zac Efron smacks Vanessa Hudgens' Ass
High School Musical heartthrob Zac Efron has got himself in trouble after he was accused of smacking co-star Vanessa Hudgen's donkey. Hudgens invited Efron around to show him her camel toe - just own of many sick animals with foot problems tha...
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Miley's Upskirt Photo Was Faked! She Was Really Wearing Little Mermaid Panties
Perez Hilton has admitted that his upskirt photo of Miley Cyrus was faked. The picture, which was posted with her crotch pixilated to hide "her goodies," actually showed Miley wearing panties. Hilton says that he posted it as a joke. The better...
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Maria Sharapova Says Miley Cyrus Is Addicted To The Spotlight
NEW YORK CITY - One of the greatest tennis players in the world Maria Sharapova recently remarked about the girl who has no shame Miley Cyrus. Sharapova told Hercules Confetti with Sporting Chance Magazine that she really feels sorry for the 20-ye...
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Miley Cyrus Reveals She Will Be Going Into The Hospital To Have a Vocal Cord Transplant Procedure
LOS ANGELES - (Satire News) - According to information guru Andy Cohen, Miley Cyrus will be entering The St. Tinsel Hospital in Avocado Heights to undergo a vocal cord transplant procedure - swapping her old vocal cords out for two new ones made out…
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Miley Cyrus To Record a Song With Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen, and The Genderfluid Girls
HOLLYWEIRD - (Music Satire) - Music Moments Magazine is reporting that The Twerking Princess Miley Cyrus, is gearing up to record a new song with none other than Ringo Starr! The song is entitled "The Ballad of Twerking Tina," and Miley will be jo…
Read full storyFunny Miley Cyrus Headlines
Miley Cyrus is Really a Boy!
Camel Toe shock for Miley Cyrus
Zac Efron smacks Vanessa Hudgens' Ass
Miley Cyrus 'BJ' Photo Analysis
Miley Cyrus's Under Age Vagina Flash, A Total Hoax?
Danica Patrick Shocked At The Miley Cyrus Offer To Join Her Nudist Resort
Naked, Embarrassed Miley Cyrus Walks Off Stage After Two Songs
Jon Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8, Denies That He is Physically Involved With Miley Cyrus
Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus Seen Making Out at The La Brea Tar Pits
Miley Cyrus To Record a Song With Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen, and The Genderfluid Girls
Miley Cyrus getting Gum Job?
Miley Cyrus not allowed to tour in Europe due to row over her name
Miley Cyrus Underwear Photo's Fakes
Miley Cyrus Cleveland Steamer pics
Miley Cyrus Wears a Diaper
Dakota Fanning Sues Hannah Montana for Identity Theft
Miley's Upskirt Photo Was Faked! She Was Really Wearing Little Mermaid Panties
Maria Sharapova Says Miley Cyrus Is Addicted To The Spotlight
Miley Cyrus Twerking Panties Are Selling Like Peanuts At The Circus
Miley Cyrus Reveals She Will Be Going Into The Hospital To Have a Vocal Cord Transplant Procedure