Donald Trump Says He Has Definitive Proof That Bernie Sanders Was Born In Kenya

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Thursday, 5 March 2020

image for Donald Trump Says He Has Definitive Proof That Bernie Sanders Was Born In Kenya
Bernie commented at an L.A. rally "If you add the top 1% to the bottom 99% plus add the American Samoans you get 101%.

WASHINGTON – El Presidente, as President Donald Trump is referred to in Spanish Harlem, has just discovered something that he says will cause Bernie Sanders to drop out of the Democratic Presidential Primary Race.

POTUS smiled from ear-to-ear as he announced that his unofficial boyfriend, Sean Hannity, has just let him know that he found a copy of Bernie Sanders' birth certificate in an old, abandoned liquor store in the Bronx.

Hannity told Trump that the birth certificate looks 100% genuine. DJT said that he is so grateful to Seany, that he is going to consider making him the ambassador to Norway.

He even told him that he will triple the salary of what the current Norwegian ambassador is making, and he will provide him with a brand new 2020 Rolls Royce courtesy of the American taxpayers.

IN A NON-RELATED STORY – Elton John is thrilled at the fact that he has just been offered the lead role in the upcoming film, “Liberace – The Original Ivory Tickling Tickler.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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