Washington DC - A crew of electrified fence contractors were spotted unloading sections of electrified fencing into the back of the congressional halls this week, ahead of the mid term elections. When asked, the lead fence guy reported that yes, '…
MAR-A-LAGO, Florida – (Satire News) – Most US psychiatrists agree that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump is as delusional as they come. The sexual pervert, who has oatmeal for brains, is STILL insisting that he won the 2020 presidential election; and…
LAKE SHIT, Alabama - (Satire News) - GOPicky Magazine reports that they have found Donald Trump's most devoted supporter, a man who voted for his idol a total of four times during the 2020 presidential election. The man named Cordell "Butch" Moons…
Phoenix - Months after Republican-hired Cyber Ninjas claimed to have identified almost 300 possible dead voters in the 2020 General Election, an investigation by the Arizona Attorney General, Republican Mark Brnovich, has determined that only one of…
CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio - (Satire News) - GOP Illustrated Magazine took a poll of Republican readers and asked who they would vote for in the 2024 presidential election. Out of a total of 29,000 readers, who said they voted for Trump twice, only 69 s…
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – According to BuzzFuzz, VP Harris has just read a research study conducted on the Trumptard’s base and she was astonished at the findings. The vice-president learned that there are still several million individual…
An attempt was made to steal the 2020 election by reassigning Biden Electoral College votes to the loser Donald Trump. It was cheating. Like cheating on your spouse, on your taxes, or at golf. This time it was an attempt to more than cheat, but to…
Washington - The lawyer for Pillow Company Chairman Mike Lindell, who is being sued by companies making voting machines for falsely claiming that the machines had been hacked by China and Venezuela during the 2020 election, has responded by saying th…
Nuts is a friendly, sweet way to say that someone is crazy. Or if one wants to be more direct: F——king Crazy. Donald Trump appears to be in the latter. The Pussy Grabber believes he won the 2020 election. Why does he believe he won? Because h…
NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) – Oh how times have changed. There was a time when Sean Hannity and Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump were as close as two gonads in a scrotum sack. Every night on his Fox show, Sean “Fred Flinstone” Hannity would sing th…
The defeated former resident of the White House, Donald Trump, admitted in a public announcement that he lost the 2020 election and that Joseph Robinhood Biden was the 45th President of the United States. Hearing the announcement, Biden noted out…
CLEVELAND – (Satire News) – The Honest Abe Private Investigating Firm based in Laredo, Texas, has just made an amazingly startling discovery. According to reporter Voodoo Dupree with the Press Extra News Agency, Ohio state voting officials, failed…
An urgent message is getting out and collecting a lot of steam. This message is: There is a Santa Claus, but it isn’t Donald Trump! The Republican Stop The Steal committee should give up their Steal campaign. They are beginning to look like Chicken…
BALTIMORE – (Satire News) – Donald J. Trump flew into Baltimore to get a root canal done. And as he was leaving the dentist’s office, he was asked by a reporter with Hollywood Innuendo, if he is ever going to admit that he lost the presidential el…
The Republican Party is dumping big bucks into the Trump kids' pockets to investigate whether or not there was any voter fraud in the 2020 election. And how do you think that’s going to go? Eric Trump will do the numbers, yeah. Ivanka will give d…
Curious as it may be, Mr. Trump's coming impeachment trial has aroused Democrats in unexpected ways. Speaking on the senate floor about Mr. Trump's upcoming trial, Senate Majority Leader, Charles Schumer recently stated: “Make no mistake, ther…
Washington, D.C., U.S.A. - Hissy-fitting Trump supporters who had their big impeachment riot plans thwarted by over 20,000 National Guard troops at the Capitol on Wednesday, decided to take their pissy little shit-fit out on any government employee t…
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