Biden’s Dog Passes Away: QAnon Questions Family’s Cryptic Message

Funny story written by Dr. Billingsgate

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

image for Biden’s Dog Passes Away: QAnon Questions Family’s Cryptic Message
Stoic. Calm. Aloof...wait, is that a hand? GNAWAWAWAW!!!

BILLINGSGATE POST: President Joe Biden and the First Lady announced Saturday that the family dog Champ, a 13-year old German Shepherd, died peacefully at the Biden’s home in Delaware.

To the casual observer, the announcement might pass as a simple message to the public that a beloved family pet had moved on to dog heaven. But not so fast. An account known as Eyes Open tweeted: “Dog comms? Seem a few around at the mo!!!”

“Comms” are formally known as secret messages that can be decoded by QAnon supporters. Dog comms have been around for a long time.

James Comey lost his rescue dog in 2018 and tweeted at the time: “Because he was a rescue, we didn’t know his age. He was a friend to an entire big family as only a dog can be. Goodbye old soul.”

The description of “an entire big family” was found very cryptic by QAnon believers. Because of the relationship to George H.W. Bush’s code name, which had been Timberwolf, some QAnoners speculated that Bush’s death was connected to Comey’s announcement, and that the former FBI Director was aware of Bush’s death before the family announced his passing; leaving some to believe he was taken out by the Deep State.

The death of Champ, they speculate, may be code for something else, possibly having to do with Donald Trump, who has no dog to speak for him.

Dr. Slim: “Lassie died on June 18, 1958. Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19. Why couldn’t Lassie have lasted one more day?”

Dirty: “Yo, Doctor. Beyond my pay grade. Only a QAnon sage could decrypt that code.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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