The Stock Market Continues To Spiral Downward and Trump Says He May Cut Social Security Payments By As Much as 70%

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

image for The Stock Market Continues To Spiral Downward and Trump Says He May Cut Social Security Payments By As Much as 70%
Trump (aka The Pied Piper of The Potomac) will soon have TWO walls that don't work.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A source inside the White House divulged that President Trump has been seen stressing out more and more with each passing day.

The stock market continues to set records for losses, and as Nancy “Cupcakes” Pelosi said to CNN's Don Lemon, “Good golly gosh, the effen stock market is going down faster than a cheap street prostitute.”

Trump emphasized that it is no big deal, and he noted that this is just another hoax being perpetuated by Pelosi's Democrats, who are mad because he is such a perfect, intelligent, non-colluded handsome devil of a president.

"Old Baby Fingers" met with Ivanka, Donald Jr, and Sean Hannity, and they all agreed that one way to help remedy the situation is to cut social security benefits by as much as 70%.

IN CLOSING – When POTUS was told that cutting back on social security payments will affect millions in his highly devoted base, he reportedly said, “Well, they’ll just have to cut back on their beer drinking, their tobacco chewing, and their possum hunting.”

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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