Aaron Rodgers Says He Has Agreed To Pay Danica Patrick To Stop Texting Him

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 4 April 2022

GREEN BAY, Wisconsin - (Sports Satire) - According to Sports Territory Magazine, Aaron Rodgers is as happy as a wolf at a sheep convention.

The Green Bay QB, told STM's Tango Brisket, that after months and months of pleading with his ex-girlfriend, Danica Patrick, to stop texting him, he and her have come to a wonderful understanding.

The NASCAR darling, who is extremely sexy and is noted for giving the best b-jobs in the world of sports, has agreed to stop texting her former bed partner, after he offers to pay her $250,000 cash, pay for her to take a 10-day cruise to the North Pole, and buy her a year's supply of Joan-of-Arc Glow-in-the-Dark Pantiliners.

Meanwhile the sensuously erotic petite firecracker says that her "Aaron is a Stud" bikini line tattoo is staying put.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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