WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Sports Satire) - The president told Fox News that he might just move to cancel the NFL football season.
He said that if the players are going to insist on kneeling, not saluting him, and refusing to donate to his presidential re-election campaign fund, then he will have no other choice but to scrap the entire NFL season to show them that he, and not they, run the country.
POTUS added that he remembers a time when the president of the United States was respected by everyone, including players from all sports, psychiatrists, comedians, black people, Chippewas, and sex therapists.
He noted that now it seems like the only ones who respect him are KKKers, the Duck Dynasty people, Alabamians, Nazi's, the S.O.B.ers, the I.U.D.ers, and that irritating “Joanie Loves Chachi” has-been, Scotty Baio.