HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – The state of California, which has suffered from earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires, bumper-to-bumper traffic, smog, tsunamis, and Trump’s ass-kissing little fairy Scott Baio, has just spent $19.3 million on a new advertising campaign aimed at getting the much needed tourism back.
The advertising firm of Giffy, Cashew, Salsa, & Dibbidydoo has done an extensive job of getting the word out that Mother Nature (a second-cousin to Global Warming) is not going to kick California in the balls, (or the ovaries, whichever the case may be).
GCS&D partner, Enrique Salsa, came up with the catchy slogan “Please Ignore The Wildfire Smoke – And Enjoy The Avocado Toast.”
Alpha Beta News reporter Mimosa Sabrosa, asked if perhaps the fact that he just happens to own the largest avocado orchard in the entire state, didn't maybe influence his choice of slogan a little bitty bit.
Salsa replied by saying that the thought never even entered his mind and actually admitted that the slogan idea came from his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Tammy Sabrosa (no relation to Mimosa Sabrosa).
Meanwhile, a rep with the California Federation of Tourism informed the news media that the slogan is working very well as evidenced by the 17,000-member National Alliance of Food Truck Operators agreeing to hold their year-end convention in La Brea.
In a Related Story. The advertising firm of Giffy, Cashew, Salsa, & Dibbidydoo, has just informed the news media that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to hire their ad firm to find a way to make her seem not-so-much-like the mothereffen, evil, hate-spewing bitch that she actually is.