Jilted John, the man who ruled the music world with his 1978 hit single, 'Jilted John', through which he relentlessly told listeners "Gordon is a moron", has the song re-released on May 22 - the artist's 61st birthday - with slightly different lyrics.
Instead of the word 'Gordon', JJ will use the word 'Boris'
Clearly, not much effort has been put into the rewrite, but JJ thinks the song will be successful again, and will strike a chord with members of the public who are astute music enthusiasts as well as shrewd discerners of political events.
The single is also set for a several-version release in the US, where the lyrics have been reset, once more, so that, instead of the word 'Gordon', JJ will sing the words 'Donald', 'Donny', 'Trumpy', and 'POTUS'.
John's brother, the pianist, Elton, will accompany him by tinkling on the ivories.