Trump Supporter From The Start, Says He's Not So Sure Anymore

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Saturday, 9 May 2020

image for Trump Supporter From The Start, Says He's Not So Sure Anymore
Nobody's perfect

A man who says he has supported Donald Trump from the very beginning of his political career, during his election, through the highs, lows, trials, tribulations and impeachment, and even his calamitous handling of the Coronavirus crisis, is now admitting he's not quite so certain about Trump's presidential credentials anymore.

Red 'Neck' Briggs, of Dallas, Texas, rode along on the crest of Trump's wave, happily brushing aside his misogynistic attitude towards women, ignoring his ridiculous racist rants, turning a blind eye to his outrageous attacks on America's erstwhile partners and allies, and nodding along with millions of others as his 'leader' repeatedly insisted upon erecting a border wall - to keep out 'undesireables'.

The problem - as Briggs belatedly seems to have realized - was that the 'undesireables' were already in the White House.

Trump's recent comments about 'Coronavirus' and 'disinfectant', however, have made Briggs think twice.

"I knew that was baloney, because I tried that with my friends when I was a teenager. It made my throat itchy, and I had a cough for weeks."

Briggs says that he'll be listening more carefully to Trump's words in the future, instead of just 'looking at the pictures', and blindly swallowing - for truth - everything that falls out of the President's mouth.

He said:

"President Trump has done a lot of good making America great again, but that's not to say he's perfect. Nobody is perfect - not even Donald Trump!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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