PYONGYANG, North Korea – (Satire News) – North Korea’s Rice Paddy News Agency has stated that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has requested that the In-N-Out burger chain build several of their restaurants in North Korea.
Kim Jong-un recently stated that his BFF ex-NBA great Dennis Rodman turned him onto the California burgers when the leader visited him in San Francisco two years ago.
BuzzFuzz reported back then that the Kimster, as he is called by Dennis Rodman, Kathy Griffin, and rapper Black Kitty Meow Meow, actually had a crate loaded with 250 frozen In-N-Out burgers shipped back to his palatial palace in the North Korean capitol.
SIDENOTE: A representative for the Left Coast burger franchise, informed the news media that In-N-Out is thrilled at Kim Jong-un’s request and they plan to build two restaurants in Pyongyang, one in Hamhung, and one in the port city of Cocklong by the end of 2021.