The leader of North Korea recently surprised King Charles III with a text message, expressing a keen desire to visit England and tour Buckingham Palace. The Korean leader expressed his admiration for King Charles' mother, the queen, and couldn't h…
BILLINGSGATE POST: It is common knowledge that the Joe Biden-Hunter Biden crime family has been receiving undisclosed money from China. Not so well known is the crime family’s ownership of a number of McMuttley Dogburger franchises in Pyongyang, No…
Kim Jong Un is the leader of his own country – bitches! – and he wants the world to know it and pay him some respect instead of looking at him like he’s a lost boy loser without friends and nowhere to go. He can’t even move around the world more than…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, has acknowledged that President Biden is fed up with the fat Asian Pillsbury doughboy, Kim Jong-un. POTUS has warned the little tub of fat cells that he had better…
Putin lashes out at Russian oligarchs and their “elite real estate and their yachts. A definite case of the Put calling the kettle black. Of course Putin would never be caught dead, having a big mansion and a yacht, would he? What would Lenin have s…
According to the World Hemisphere And Astrological Association, a.k.a. WHAAA, North Korea has launched several ballistic missiles into the waters off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, officials said. "What the faawww?!" North Korean dictator…
Since Kim Jong Dong is bored and wants to fire off a few nuclear missiles to show his Chinese masters that he’s a big boy now and has enough weight to throw around (even though the world laughs and laughs at him), he has hired Dennis Rodman, an old f…
Is there some major crisis happening in the world, and you don’t know to whom to turn? Ever needed a hero? Oh sure, America likes to think it’s the hero of the world, but can’t there be more than one? What do you need to be a hero? If you’ve seen…
Kim Jong Uuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn (Give It To Me, Baby!) is pissed off again because no one’s paying attention to him. He’s tried firing missile at Japan and a couple were pointed in the direction of America, but too far away to hit. He’s fake danced and la…
North Korean ice cream is coming to the West, and none too soon. Personally made by Kim himself, the ice cream is creamy and delicious and does not contain Ebola or any other virus to destroy those in the West who will always have more freedom tha…
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - Word out of the White House is that President Biden has had enough of the Kimster's shit. POTUS has issued a stern warning to the leader of North Korea that he had better stop firing missiles that fly over Japan.
Ug! Season 9 of The Blacklist is over and done with. Boo hoo. Humbug! But ah ha! There is a season 10 coming in February 2023. Regrettably, protagonist Raymond Reddington, performed by actor James Spader, will not be going into the shenanigan…
PYONGYANG, North Korea - (World Satire) - President Kim Jong-un is madder than a thoroughbred racehorse with diarrhea. The Kimster has just learned that his space program, The Nice Rice Space Agency, launched a missile that went haywire and ended…
Donald Trump, the pussy grabber, is again siding against the CIA and defending a known crazed dictator who, besides all his other atrocities, fed his uncle to wild dogs. The CIA labeled Kim Jong Un as, (drum roll) stupid! Trump insists he know…
Kim Jong-Un sent a missile over Japan … why? A spokesperson for fascists has stated, “He’s lonely. He gets the news, the social media, even though he won’t allow the same for his people. So Kimmy – don’t tell him I called him that – sees Putin and…
LONDON - (UK Satire) - Buckingham Palace has just put out the official word, that the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un will visit Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace during the Christmas holidays. Palace spokesperson Nigel Piccadilly stated tha…
ALLIGATOR NUTS, Florida - (Satire News) - If there is one thing that can be said about Trump, it's that the Big Mac-eating asshole is one arrogantly, sarcastic pussy grabber. Ivanka's evil-as-shit father, recently told one of his FEW remaining fri…
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