The Pope visited South Sudan - 60% Christian - and basically gave the same speech at several places.
(It was translated into the local language.)
"Basically," the Pope said, "all Humans came from Africa originally - so I have African Blood.
"And Jesus had a darker skin than many of you South Sudanese.
"He wasn't White at all. Was really a dark - skinned Jesus.
"The Roman Empire for 1, 000 years imported Africans to Italy as slaves and concubines - so the Italian population is loaded with Black Genes.
"Why do you think we are so good at Dancing and Song?
"We are Bros. Brothers under the skin."
The Sudanese on hearing this cheered and immediately brought him a lion skin robe and draped it around him.
"Big Papa," they shouted. "Big Papa!"
"Well, that went well," the Pope said quietly to an Aide. "Luckily, they don't know all my relatives came from Argentina. I am just the latest White Guy coming to Help them - and also Help myself."
(Basil Blathering reporting and shocked at hearing the Pope's last comment.)