Louisiana's #1 Voodoo Woman Said She Tried Like Hell, But She Could Not Drive The Damn Demons From Trump's Fat-Ass Body

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 14 January 2023

image for Louisiana's #1 Voodoo Woman Said She Tried Like Hell, But She Could Not Drive The Damn Demons From Trump's Fat-Ass Body
Lady Bayou Mama said that hitting Trump with a baseball bat would not drive the demons from his racist body.

SHREVEPORT, Louisiana - (Satire News) - Eric and Donald Trump Jr, hired a certified Louisiana voodoo woman to try and exhort the mean, evilness from their orange daddy's body.

Eric said that the witch doctor, named Lady Bayou Mama, has been noted for making GOP pundit Ann Coulter not as fucked up as she has always been, since leaving prison back in May of 1999.

Coulter was in Sing Sing Prison for printing up counterfeit $100 bills. She swore that the fake money was not hers, and she has no fucking idea (her words) how the hell $73,900 in counterfeit hundreds ended up underneath her bed.

Meanwhile, the two Trump twat brothers told GOP Magazine's Tabitha Wishywater, that Lady Bayou Mama said that she tried, and tried, and tried to drive the damn demons from their racist daddy's body, but it's damn hopeless.

In Other Trump News. To see naked photos of Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump sunbathing by the Mar-a-Lago pool go to www.melania/ivankatotallynaked.sex

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