Being Gay Not a Crime, Said Pope, if Done By Priests

Funny story written by UncleDale

Sunday, 29 January 2023

image for Being Gay Not a Crime, Said Pope, if Done By Priests
"When Jesus said turn the other cheek, I'm not sure he had that in mind..." - Kermit

Pope Francis' had his official Spokesman hold a news conference recently according to CCN News - and said the Pope believes Sex between consenting Male adults - including Priests is "not a Crime"

God loves everybody the Pope has repeatedly said - Straight, Gay, Trans. - even the Sheep Huggers.

But He doesn't believe in Gay priests marrying each other - as they are already married to Christ.

That would be grounds for divorce from the Church. You can't have two husbands.

And no Sex in the Confessional - (the Straight priests consistently keep violating that one.)

The Confessional is not a Sex Booth.

This has been a hard teaching to get over to the Priests.

Christ was Wise - he had no Confessional Booths - didn’t do.

Confessions (it was between you and God) - so there were never any Scandals.

It is really Sinful that Men wear tight revealing clothing showing their large Genitals - the Spokesman continued.

It causes a lot of Lust in the Church, and many Vows get broken.

(And requires Anal surgery at times.)

It's also bad for Business.

The Customers start to wonder what are they paying for - Sodom and Gomorrah on a daily Basis?

(Article by the Gay Priests of America News Service)

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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