North Korea Launches a Missile That Goes Haywire and Destroys a North Korean Whorehouse

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 28 November 2022

image for North Korea Launches a Missile That Goes Haywire and Destroys a North Korean Whorehouse
North Korean President Kim Jong-un is one very upset fat ass.

PYONGYANG, North Korea - (World Satire) - President Kim Jong-un is madder than a thoroughbred racehorse with diarrhea.

The Kimster has just learned that his space program, The Nice Rice Space Agency, launched a missile that went haywire and ended up totally destroying one of Pyongyang's most popular houses of ill-repute (aka whorehouses).

The whorehouse named House of Habitual Humping, was hit by the wayward missile at approximately 3:41 am.

Screaming, shouting, and yelling could be heard as far as seven blocks down the street at an all-night McDonalds.

A spokesperson for Kim said that there will be an investigation and the guilty parties will be sent to Siberia, where they will be imprisoned in the nude.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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