Kim Jong-un Says North Korea Has Just Developed a Powerful Missile That Can Hit Iowa

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

image for Kim Jong-un Says North Korea Has Just Developed a Powerful Missile That Can Hit Iowa
Kim Jong-un has said that "Orange Boy" is so expensive it could feed the entire nation of Peru for five weeks.

PYONGYANG, North Korea – (Satire News) – President Trump’s favorite pen pal, Kim Jong-un, has just informed the world media that he has developed the most powerful missile on earth.

The North Korean leader, who credits Trump for helping him perfect his English, told North Korea’s Kim News, that, after nine months of experimenting, the KJU-71 is now fully operational.

Kim Jong-un told 108 of his favorite generals that the new missile nicknamed “Orange Boy”, in honor of President Trump, is capable of hitting Iowa, a distance of 6,358 miles as the crow flies.

Meanwhile, London’s Tickety Boo News is reporting that Kim has said that he has no intention of launching the missile toward Iowa, unless his BFF, Donnie pisses him off, by calling him “Fatso” or “Sponge Bob Square Pants Face”.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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