HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – Linda Ronstadt, the singer who has sold over 100 millon records, recently spoke with LaLaLand Daily's Macadamia Honeysuckle, and informed her that she can not believe that a person as mean, as hateful, and evil, as Donald Trump, could become president of the greatest nation on earth.
Linda, who can hit any note ever written, was reminded that the "Pee-Pee-Grabber-in-Chief" wasn’t really elected president, since Hillary Clinton received 3 million more popular votes.
She smiled and corrected herself by saying that Trumpy is actually the Electoral College president, which, in truth, is as outdated as women’s chastity belts, petticoats, and knee-length swimsuits.
Ronstadt said that the entire dysfunctional Trump family makes the Wild West train robbers, Frank and Jessie James, seem like Pee Wee Herman and Johnny Weir.
Linda remarked that she knows for a fact that many of the “Predator-in-Chief’s" die-hard supporters know that he's just about as racist as his idol Adolf Hitler, but, like they say, "Hey, he's our racist."
Meanwhile, Linda has asked her 63 million Twitter followers to please, please, please vote for Joe Biden. Reports are, that all but 71 individuals told her they would.