The US Threatens To Launch A Missile Towards Cambodia

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 19 December 2021

image for The US Threatens To Launch A Missile Towards Cambodia
President Biden has targeted the bamboo factory located in the village of Mosquito Shit, Cambodia for total annihilation.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – Reports coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue are that President Biden is extremely upset with the Cambodian government.

According to iRumors, Cambodia has been warned no less that 13 times to stop harboring known terrorists.

The CIA reports that there are more evil, hate-filled members of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Isis, and the KKK, in the tiny country of Cambodia than there are minnows in the Atlantic Ocean.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has made it abundantly clear that Biden loves the Cambodian people; except for members of the Yuccasucka jungle tribe, who live deep in the Black Booty Bay region, which is infested with leopards, panthers, tigers, and pesky woodpeckers who peck the shit out of every piece of fucking wood that the little needle-beaked fuckers can find.

SIDENOTE: POTUS has said that if Cambodia does not expel every known terrorist within 72 hours, he will launch a missile at Cambodia’s largest bamboo factory, which employs 700 Cambodians, 200 Laotians, 90 Thais, and 27 Jehovah’s Witnesses from Switzerland.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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