A Christmas tradition, watching Home Alone with loved ones has taken on a new lease of life, when it is watched as a film about a young sociopath terrorising some inept burglars.
The sweet film, about young scamp Kevin MacAllister, left Home Alone by his parents, is one of the highlights of the festive season for many, next to listening to your weird Uncle, and weirder Aunt talking about conspiracy theories and watching the Queen, but it also has a darker side, revealed by some fun spoiling people on the internet.
At the end of the day, it is a film about a lonely ten-year-old boy, causing bodily harm, being saved by his neighbours], and his Mum and Dad losing him again in the sequel. It is a future of therapy, and unsuccessful relationships for Kevin, due to the trust issues he has with his parents.
Although safe for family viewing, it is best viewed at Christmas, surrounded by loved ones, who haven't left you Home Alone.