NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) – It is official – Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump can no longer drive a car, a truck, or even a golf cart; not only in New York, but in any state.
The New York state attorney general acted on the DL removal upon the advice of the president.
President Biden stated that the reason is because at 75, Trump's personal doctor says that he can no longer tell the difference between a red light, a green light, or a yellow light.
This malady is called Colorminnasucksus, and usually affects individuals who are habitually pathological liars.
This ailment was first discovered on several PGA golf courses, where some golfers have a tendency of forgetting to count some strokes.
Meanwhile Trump says that he’ll just get Melania to drive him around anywhere he needs to go.
SIDENOTE: An assistant to the ex-first lady said that Melania replied, “Bozo face is full of chit – I isn’t drybean heem anywhere so hizz fat orange ass shust needs to call fucking Uber.”