NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) – The Daily Drama News Agency, has just announced that Ersatz Satire, which is the number one satire/parody website on the Internet has just issued a change of policy directive.
DDNA senior reporter Cinderella St. Lamb, has reported that she spoke with the owner and chief administrator for the humor site, Domingo Alvin Bayonet, and he informed her that he has cancelled his “No Stories About Trump” policy directive mandate.
Mr. Bayonet explained to Miss St. Lamb, that the reason why he initially initiated the policy was due to his extreme hatred of the man who most political, satirical, and emotional pundits refer to as “The Biggest Asshole in The History of Assholes.”
Bayonet also noted that since Trump is no longer in office, interest in the piece-of-baboon shit has dwindled by as much as 87%.
The Ersatz Satire owner added that the line "The Biggest Asshole in The History of Assholes," was actually coined by one of his star writers, Rita Goombalini, who just happens to be the daughter of Brooklyn’s infamous Mafia boss Salvatore Goombalini.
So effective immediately Ersatz Satire writers can now, if they wish, feel free to write articles and stories about Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump, his wife, the much-neglected Melania, his dumbass older sons “Dummy and Dopey,” (aka Eric and Don Jr.), Ivanka, whom Donald calls the sexiest, hottest woman he has ever seen; including Hope Hicks, Marla Maples (Mrs. Trump #2), and yes, even the Trumptard’s former side-piece (Stormy Daniels).
SIDENOTE: Miss St. Lamb noted that Bayonet would actually prefer that his writers write articles about more important and popular things such as climate change, the economy, the ever creeping upward price of gasoline, food recipes, self-help stories, and England's royal family.