
Funny satire stories about Driving

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Funny story: Car maker CEO admits bumpers were probably a damn good idea!

Car maker CEO admits bumpers were probably a damn good idea!

Global auto manufacturers gathered in San Diego at the tri-annual WAMOS convention on Monday, to talk about the future of auto safety. But one CEO in attendance, was more nostalgic about past safety ideas that worked very well, but have been aband…

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Funny story: Four Way Stop Signs Wreck Havoc At Trump Rally

Four Way Stop Signs Wreck Havoc At Trump Rally

Attendees at a Trump Rally were delayed for hours as a nearby intersection controlled by a four way stop led to confusion for those entering resulting in dozens of collisions, injuries and arrests. Local police were called multiple times to the co…

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Funny story: Death Race 2022

Death Race 2022

In the wonderful B-movie, “Death Race 2000”, cars intentionally mowed down people for points and to win a car race. The original starred David Carradine (before hanging himself for the erotic thrill) and Sylvester Stallone (before “Rocky”). See it, l…

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Funny story: Due To The Skyrocketing Price of Gasoline, Lots of Americans Are Selling Their Cars and Buying Horse and Buggy Teams

Due To The Skyrocketing Price of Gasoline, Lots of Americans Are Selling Their Cars and Buying Horse and Buggy Teams

QUAKER OATS, Pennsylvania - (Satire News) - With the price of gasoline hitting an astounding $8 a gallon in California, and $7 a gallon in Connecticut, many middle class and poor families are selling their automobiles and resorting to horse and buggi…

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Funny story: Trump Stopped By Police For Driving With An Expired Drivers License and For Being Totally Nude

Trump Stopped By Police For Driving With An Expired Drivers License and For Being Totally Nude

PALM BEACH, Florida - (Satire News) - Reports from The Vox Populi News Agency state that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump is getting flakier, stupider, and more assholistic than ever. Palm Beach Police officers Burke Clippcastle (Badge #900456) and E…

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Funny story: President Biden Instructs The State of New York To Take Donald Trump’s Drivers License Away

President Biden Instructs The State of New York To Take Donald Trump’s Drivers License Away

NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) – It is official – Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump can no longer drive a car, a truck, or even a golf cart; not only in New York, but in any state. The New York state attorney general acted on the DL removal upon the ad…

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Funny story: Nashville Man Falls Asleep at Wheel but Has Incredible Dream

Nashville Man Falls Asleep at Wheel but Has Incredible Dream

While driving to grab breakfast early one morning after pulling an all-nighter playing and recording music, overtired Jared McAuley of Nashville, Tennessee, fell asleep at the wheel of his car and only narrowly missed running over a homeless man wait…

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Funny story: Oscar Meyer Wienermobile Driver Arrested for Tailgating

Oscar Meyer Wienermobile Driver Arrested for Tailgating

PHILADELPHIA – (Satire News) – The Philadelphia Police Department has informed the news media that they have arrested one Melvin “Weenie” Buckthorn. The arresting PPD officer stated that he observed the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile that Buckthorn was…

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Funny story: The Middle Class Guide to the School Run

The Middle Class Guide to the School Run

Now that schools have reopened after our long lockdown, it appears that a growing number of parents have simply forgotten basic manners or, in some cases, what a car is. Here's a simple guide Where Park your ugly planet-killing 4x4 wherever…

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Funny story: Green Light Means Maybe in Nashville

Green Light Means Maybe in Nashville

While drivers in more "Type A" cities can scarcely be bothered to stop at red traffic lights, let alone yellow ones, the more laid-back city of Nashville, Tennessee, has gained a reputation for its drivers' tendencies to stop at, and often even sit t...

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Funny story: Trump Admits to Being a Racist but Not Nearly as Much So as Those NASCAR Drivers

Trump Admits to Being a Racist but Not Nearly as Much So as Those NASCAR Drivers

Pushing back against allegations that he is a racist, United States president, Donald Trump, stated that while he may have some racist tendencies when it comes to driving, he doesn't even come close to "those NASCAR drivers." "Granted, l like a li...

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Funny story: Goober shakes up the self-driving car market

Goober shakes up the self-driving car market

Chandler, AZ - Dick Weede, spokesperson for Goober ride service, announced today the firing of all their human drivers, at a small press conference at Chandler Fashion Center. “We solved the last issues with self-driving cars. We used to have to...

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Funny story: Traffic Violations on the Rise in Wal Mart Stores

Traffic Violations on the Rise in Wal Mart Stores

When electric carts made their debut in Wal Mart stores years ago, much of the public viewed them as a compassionate convenience for those with serious mobility issues. Today public opinion seems to be turning against cart-going patrons. Don't get...

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Funny story: Chicken Ran Irresponsibly Across Road

Chicken Ran Irresponsibly Across Road

A chicken has been warned about its cavalier behavior after it was almost the cause of a road accident on a country road on the outskirts of Battambang yesterday evening. The chicken, a scraggy, skinny black thing, thoughtlessly ran out into the r...

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Funny story: Man Absolutely Nails Perfect Wave to Passing Driver

Man Absolutely Nails Perfect Wave to Passing Driver

A man driving back from the dump today absolutely nailed his wave to a minor acquaintance who passed him in his car. “It was just fantastic,” said the man. “The guy drove past me, I recognized his car, I made eye contact and then gave a cool nonch...

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Funny story: New Driving Game Provides Ultimate Challenge For Gamers!

New Driving Game Provides Ultimate Challenge For Gamers!

A new driving game is set to break all sales records when it is released at the end of this month, and gamers have said they cannot wait to get their hands dirty with it! The exciting new potential market bestseller - 'Battambang Driving' - is one that will have players on the edge of their motorcycle seats, as they traverse the Battambang countryside on their way into the city, aiming to surv...

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Funny story: Young UK citizens cannot afford driving license so they jump on Shank's Pony!

Young UK citizens cannot afford driving license so they jump on Shank's Pony!

Many young people in the UK are realising driving cars is not the be all and end all of life, and many older UK citizens are thanking their gods that young people are not driving! The prices of owning cars, driving license fees has rocketed in the...

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