WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Satire News) – In an extremely unusual ruling, the United States Supreme Court has voted 9-0 to toss out everyone of President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated, ridiculous, far-fetched claims that the election was rigged.
The justices commented collectively that President Trump just has to bite the bullet and realize that he lost fair and square, and stop making himself look like he's got a single-digit IQ.
The nine justices all agreed that Trump should just admit that his 20,000 lies simply caught up with him, and now only an uninformed, uneducated hermit, living high in the Appalachians, the Ozarks, or the Great Smokies would still believe he really won.
Even Trump's long-time friend, Geraldo Rivera, of Fox News, has remarked that, if there is still anyone out there who really and truly feels that Trump won the election, then he or she needs to be rounded up, and locked up for their own well-being.