WASHINGTON, D.C. – Melania Trump has shocked the GOP world by saying that she will most probably vote for Bernie Sanders over her husband.
The sensuously sexy first lady was interviewed by Kitty Segovia with the iNews Agency.
When asked why she plans on voting for Sanders instead of her husband, she smiled, crossed her left leg over her right leg, and said, “Because like dey say in San Francisco, Bean der, done dat.” She went on, “If I tell to you the troot, the troot is dat I wants to get back to my Trump Tower mansion.”
Mrs. Trump paused and commented, “Kitty cat, I hate dee White House like I hate my periodic period. And to dis glamorously glamorous elegant woman, libbing in dee White House ease like libbing in a trailer house. I hate it as much as I hate cellulite. I want my expensive clothes, and jewels, and my high heel choose, and my 9,000 foot walk-into closet back.”
She went on to say that she misses being in her Trump Tower mansion where she can walk around naked. She giggled and said, “I hate tu be saying dis, but I have even forgetted what my hooha she looks like.”
IN CLOSING – Before Melania ended the interview with iNews she said, “And to be trootful, Ivanka wants to be dee prettiest female in dee whole entire White House, but if I am dare, den dee crybaby Barbie doll will never be #1.”