Pure as the driven snow competes with peculiar stench over Washington

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

image for Pure as the driven snow competes with peculiar stench over Washington
MSM favors "Clean as a hound dog's tooth" along with "pure as the driven snow" for the investigation

Reports continue that occupants of the Washington D.C. area have been distracted by a mysterious odor, difficult to identify.

Apparatus to cover the mouth and nostrils--plus gas masks--is seeing an uptick in sales this holiday season.

The comment “Phewee, what is that?” has been increasing on Washington sidewalks, with some wondering if the sewer system has broken open.

Or if the Congress at large has come down with a case of irritable bowel syndrome over current disclosures on the FBI’s handling of the Trump collusion case.

The problem has also been noticed in MSM news studios where maintenance crews are desperate to get after these odors, which persist despite daily cleaning.

Meanwhile, last night Mr. Comey told Fox News he was “wrong”.

That’s because he was “overconfident” and sure government intelligence investigations were "robust" enough to avoid anything political.

Mr. Horowitz’s IG report listed 17 errors including the notion that Mr. Page was somehow a foreign agent, whereas he was working for the CIA.

The Steele dossier was robustly thumped onto the desk as “evidence,” to move the investigation further along.

Ms. Clinton's role in the 2016 nomination process, and her intelligence agency Crowdstrike, were not investigated.

MSM expertise as with The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC heavily applauded the mistakes.

At this time these news agencies maintain a “pure as the driven snow” interpretation of FBI sincerity.

Russia-gate took off right after the January 6, 2017, government intel established an intelligence report with “high” (CIA) + “high” (FBI) + “moderate” (NSA) as estimates that Mr. Trump and Vladimir Putin had stolen the 2016 election.

These “estimates” included the caveat (in small print) that there was no factual evidence to support them, but they were also robustly pushed as clean and reliable in the evening news.

At this time, however, the stench in Washington seems to be getting worse, toward emergency. Hospitals are filling up with afflicted lung cases.

Mr. Durham, Attorney General Barr’s special investigator for possible criminal actions in the collusion case, has been affected.

He’s been seen wearing a blue face-mask with pocket respirator, plus haste in his stride as he moves through the streets toward his office.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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