Thirty or forty years ago in East Jerusalem - Palestinian Citizens of Israel owned land and built Homes on the land. They could Not get building Permits so built anyway. Now thousand of houses have been bulldozed because they don't have build…
Here in Britain, people will no longer be allowed to protest anything. The price of this and that going up – so what, take it, accept it, but thou shalt not protest. To protest the anti-protest law is illegal. (Now if that’s not straight outa Orwe…
Can you give generously? There are children being born in evil countries, being groomed to hate the West, to see life differently, to become evil … No, I’m not talking about any of those poor kids born to parents who are card-carrying members of…
Nadim Zahawi is the chairman of the UK Conservative Party. He is also a dishonest toe rag. Careless whiskers by Rob Barratt Oh where are we, Mister Zahawi? Was your brain on safari in Malawi? Or Mali? Or Derby? Or in a bowl of pastrami?…
"Basically, it is a business decision” - said an unnamed soccer executive - with his shaved bald head, and in his $900 business suit. The truth is, bloody Dictatorships in the Middle East - and Russia and China will just pay more money. (They hav…
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has suffered a slight drop in his approval rating from 62.1% to 61.9% after a video appeared on TikTok showing him torturing and killing a baby with a large hunting knife. The video, which appear…
Israel has it made. It gets $2 billion, yearly, in U. S. Aid money (for being a poor country - when it is a rich country) - and builds West Bank Settlements with it. (To build the settlements and buildings in Jerusalem and the West Bank - the…
MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA: Thousands of Victorians have taken to Twitter to defend Premier Daniel Andrews after Corruption Watchdog IBAC last week released a report exposing widespread corruption by his Labor government. The IBAC investigation found t…
Vatican News — Curious wonders await in the private bedroom of the Pope. When the Pope invites his most trusted friends and cardinals to see a ceiling fresco he just completed in his bedroom, the only answer is yes. When he explains it’s a 17…
According to Elon Musk spokespersons, he has a nose for opportunities. Not satisfied with merely the purchase of Twitter, he is now moving the goal posts toward additional targets for his billionaire appetite. He would take the CEO role for var…
Hello, Mr Raymond Ving here. You might remember me from my other nonsensical ramblings on here, but you probably won't. Anyway, one thing that has puzzled me lately, is why after so many years of practice, are the Tories no better at corruption…
Considering the interest stirred up by confrontations between Mr. Paul and Mr. Fauci over the past year, this venue is surely worthy. Seating at 19,000 plus for basketball in the Garden can be expanded for this event, due to public interest. T…
A prolonged interview with the proverbial elephant in the room on a certain laptop and other matters has at last surfaced. The elephant being interviewed, a dignified male with gray in his eyebrows, expressed sympathy for the President and his son…
CBS News has just released intimate details of a new plan by Mr. Biden, who is running for the office of President of the United States. “It is very clear I am going to win,” Mr. Biden has said, from behind a double-masked lower face. Wearing t…
Mr. Trump has announced that the Democrats are sinking to new lows by sending ballots to cats and dogs across the nation. Democrats have denied the charge, saying any case of a pet (dead or alive) receiving a ballot is a minor glitch in the voting…
Someone else has eaten Tim's turkey BLT panini right out of the Town Hall break room fridge. First reports of the scandal emerged at around 12:45 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Tim Sullivan, the town's Economic Development Director, is alleged to b...
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, requests money from the rest of America to cover "Rapid Covid-19 deaths" in New York City. Cuomo stated, "these people were in perfect health until struck down by a new classification of 'Sudden Covid Death Syndrom...
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