Sarah Sanders ‘Is Monica Lewinsky In Drag’

Funny story written by queen mudder

Monday, 22 April 2019

image for Sarah Sanders ‘Is Monica Lewinsky In Drag’
A bit of botox, a lick of paint and Sanders could channel a youthful Lewinsky

Washington AC/DC, USA - (ReUterus): Fans of presidential mouthpiece Sarah Huckabee Sanders are wondering if ex-Clinton intern Monica Lewinsky is related to Trump’s skew-faced press secretary who has been outed telling porkies about the FBI.

The two women feature in a Washington FarceBook rant comparing their mugshots in a storybook of entries about personal wiles. Uh, style.

‘Of course a 60lb body weight difference must be considered,’ one entry advises, ‘along with Sanders’ asymmetrical eyebrows and wobbly John Newman/Fred Flintstone-esque jawline.’

Sanders, 69, has been in the doghouse all weekend since telling the White House press corps that ‘most FBI agents hated former boss James Comey’ as being the actual reason for his Trump firing.

A different picture has now emerged in the redacted Mueller Report revealing the silly old moo grossly dressed up her personal opinion as bona fide presidential fact.

Commenting on the impasse the Spoof’s sartorial consultant said he’d like to inspect Ms Sanders’ bulging closet to see how many royal blue dresses she actually possesses.

Former Clinton special counsel Ken Starr is 169.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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