Globus militaris interruptus wreaks tsunami-like havoc in Washington

Funny story written by joseph k winter

Monday, 24 December 2018

image for Globus militaris interruptus wreaks tsunami-like havoc in Washington
Inscribed on the Spartan monument: "Hell, yes! War, why not? It's good for the economy."

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria and drawdown in Afghanistan, has the nation’s capitol in a near state of paralysis.

Even FOX News has turned on the President with accusations he is “refounding ISIS.”

A hullabaloo of protest has made a great deal of noise and denialism that anything remotely smacking of war reduction means hell to pay.

Analysts point out various munitions industries are currently agonized over possible reductions in related economies.

Although Trump leaves behind Turkey and the Russians to deal with ISIS, while bringing the troops home, a furor of militaris interruptus is causing “neocon shivering and fever.”

What is to happen to regime change with Iran, including further military operations as needed?

This question is aggravated by the falling credibility of the Saudi regime, turmoil in Israel’s leadership, and now empty stretches of desert re: US troops on the Syria border with Iraq.

How can the vaunted and noble intentions of the US to create “full spectrum dominance” in policing, controlling, and telling the rest of the world what to do continue under these circumstances?

With this president?

Instead, according to some news analysts, garrisoning the planet is now fleeing toward home shores with furrowed brows and tail between its legs.

The neocon contingent in the White House is apoplectic at Mr. Trump’s rebellion in this case.

This though he is finally doing what he announced as his intention in the 2016 campaign.

Nevertheless, favorable reports on this matter can be found in sundry op-eds.

These include positive evaluations from within the military and intelligence agencies, and they insist Mr. Trump “has done something decent for once.”

Opinions brawl as usual.

Polling has indicated Americans sick and tired of war since September 11, 2001.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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