
Funny satire stories about Neocon

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Funny story: US agency to receive “Laundryland and Sunshine Award” for actions in the new century so far

US agency to receive “Laundryland and Sunshine Award” for actions in the new century so far

The New York Times has revealed a security agency operating as a gigantic laundromat, which specializes in "protecting national interests.” This laundromat (aka "Laundryland") houses enormous scrubbing machines that dwarf an ordinary facility's wa...

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Funny story: Pompeo and Rubio to be loaded onto the “all options are on the table” table

Pompeo and Rubio to be loaded onto the “all options are on the table” table

The famous table bearing that all time US favorite diplomatic tool "all options are on the table" is showing some signs of strain and decay. Engineers are busy supplying reinforcements to it, including corner reinforcements and foundational suppor...

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Funny story: Wild pig bites Venezuelan model’s rear end; blames Maduro and CNN

Wild pig bites Venezuelan model’s rear end; blames Maduro and CNN

This latest savage attack on a female derriere has appalled the world. Shockwaves are being reported across the female rear-view fashion industry (with guarantees no design changes will reveal less). At this time fashion Model Michelle Lewin...

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Funny story: Update re Trump in dark alley with ladies of the evening

Update re Trump in dark alley with ladies of the evening

Mr. Trump’s credibility problem has, if anything, accelerated in the last few days. Mr. Jeffrey Mardass, of Lightweight Surveys, now puts the President at a .001 rating on a 10-point scale. The problem with the National Emergency on The Wall h...

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Funny story: Rachel Maddow announces Putin will back new interim president for the US next week

Rachel Maddow announces Putin will back new interim president for the US next week

With more brilliant breaking news, Ms. Maddow has added to her suggestion Mr. Putin will shut down electric power in the US. Middle-North America is currently shivering in temperatures as low as minus 30 F, an excellent opportunity for Mr. Putin,...

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Funny story: The last adults in the room celebrate with beer party in Mattis basement

The last adults in the room celebrate with beer party in Mattis basement

General Mattis’ resignation, December 21, has brought a hue and cry in the mainstream media that “the last adults in the room” have left the Trump administration. Accordingly, Mr. Trump is seen as the equivalent of a schoolboy wearing a cap with h...

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Funny story: Trump consulting on who to appoint acting president while he takes a break

Trump consulting on who to appoint acting president while he takes a break

According to Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, the list for who will become Acting President (APOTUS) is being carefully studied. Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan is also being called in as advisor for the process. Mr. Trump has...

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Funny story: Globus militaris interruptus wreaks tsunami-like havoc in Washington

Globus militaris interruptus wreaks tsunami-like havoc in Washington

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria and drawdown in Afghanistan, has the nation’s capitol in a near state of paralysis. Even FOX News has turned on the President with accusations he is “refounding ISIS.” A hullabaloo of protest ha...

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Funny story: Tony "You know, George, whatever you decide to do, I'm with you" Blair confesses childhood snorting trauma led to prophetical powers

Tony "You know, George, whatever you decide to do, I'm with you" Blair confesses childhood snorting trauma led to prophetical powers

Just today Mr. Blair's office has released further background on his current essay "We didn't cause the crisis," and the 03 decision to attack Iraq as partner with George W. Bush. Apparently during childhood Mr. Blair had a formative experience wh...

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Funny story: Neo-liberals: nearly half of all people are ABOVE average

Neo-liberals: nearly half of all people are ABOVE average

Neo-liberals around the world are reacting ferociously against news announced on The Spoof of the discovery that 'nearly half of all people are below average'. The discovery was made by Devin Devlin, a population statistician with the University o...

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Funny story: NeoCon Fundies Carve 2012 on Sarah Palin's Forehead!

NeoCon Fundies Carve 2012 on Sarah Palin's Forehead!

New darling of the religious self-righteous wing of the Neo-Conservative movement, Sarah Palin has been hanging out in the prayer meetings and juice bars frequented by her biggest supporters. That appears to be where the trouble started. As McC...

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Funny story: NEO Takes Control Of Every Political Party

NEO Takes Control Of Every Political Party

After the great success of the neo-cons (neo conservatives) within the Republican party in the US, and the neo-labs (neo Labour or 'new' Labour as some called them) in the UK, in getting us all to believe we are fighting a none existent enemy...

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Funny story: Religion a Godsend for Hooker-Loving Fundamentalists

Religion a Godsend for Hooker-Loving Fundamentalists

US fundamentalist neocons say that their religion is a godsend, you can do whatever you want and god - they mean God, the capitalized long-haired, bearded white guy in the sky - will forgive you. You can't beat that with a neon Bible.

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Funny story: Neocons Can't Count Past 600

Neocons Can't Count Past 600

CCN (Crazy Cal News) - Iowa - Yesterday, Ron Paul had over 1000 supporters show up for his gathering in Iowa. It was reported that "over 600" people attended the gathering. This was because the reporter was a Neocon Nazi Republican and ev...

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Funny story: "Liberal Media" Turns Conservative with Ron Paul Running

"Liberal Media" Turns Conservative with Ron Paul Running

CCN (Crazy Cal News) - "The Internets" - The so called "liberal media" seems to have turned conservative now that Ron Paul is running. Either that, or the Neo-Cons have turned liberal.

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Funny story: Rosie Fired by Corrupt Bastards Club Neo-Cons

Rosie Fired by Corrupt Bastards Club Neo-Cons

CCN (Crazy Cal News) - New York - Neo-Con Republicans were behind the conspiracy to remove Rosie O'Donnell from the air, said Paul Joseph Watson in an article at According to Watson, the Neo-Con Republicans wanted Rosie barred...

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Funny story: The Story of the Neocon Prince and the Liberal Pauper

The Story of the Neocon Prince and the Liberal Pauper

Daddy, will you tell me the story about how Wolfowitz got fired from the World Bank?...

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