It was announced over the White House loud speaker, that the president's Communication Director Hope Hicks was leaving her present position and would be replaced by Ms. Stormy Daniels.
A two minute Melania scream was heard from the residence quarters of the White House. Her screams usually lasted only a celery burp, but this one held a formidable record.
Appears Stormy Daniels is an excellent communicator, to the point, never equivocates and is better looking than Anthony Scaramucci. Besides, Ms. Daniels won the full approval of Donald Trump who insists he never met the lady, never knew the lady, never authorized his lawyer Michael Cohn to pay her $130,000, or ever made her sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.
General John Kelly was seen pulling out what is left of his hair, while Hope Hicks led a conga line down the White House drive, castanets in each hands, singing, “One, two, three, la conga,” and throwing out a high kick at the ‘ga’ syllable of the word conga.
The conga line was followed by about twenty White House working staff, each having security clearance; (hence Jered and Ivanka were absent) with Kellyanne Conway at the tail end of the line, manning the mariachi gourds, and explaining to visiting tourists that this was an alternative send off for a White House employee.
A salami scream echoed from the White House residence.
At the news conference that followed, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders explained that: There was no conga line. Hope Hicks was not singing, One, two, three, la conga, or kicking her leg up at the ‘ga’ syllable. What you saw with your eyes and recorded on cameras and cell phones never happened. Reporters with questions will have to take it up with the White House gardeners. And they’re out for Easter break. “Next question?”
Equipped with a rolled up copy of the Economist, having a fake picture of Donald Trump on the cover, Stormy Daniels drove through the White House gates in a white stretch limousine, prepared to begin work.
Trump remain in the Oval office, hiding under the desk.
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