BILLINGSGATE POST: Cast against a blue, gray Sonoran Desert sky, the Four Horsemen of Wile E Mueller rode again. In Biblical lore, they were known as Famine, Pestilence, Destruction, and Death. These are only aliases. Their real names are Comey, Robenstein, McCabe and the Love Birds. They formed the vortex of the ACME ANVIL APOCALYPTIC CYCLONE (AAAC) before which no other Trump Runner has ever escaped being leveled by such high tech weapondry.
The beady-eyed Wile E, whose credentials speak for themselves, was doomed from the start. His first job was in a pet store, and people would ask how big he would get. Undaunted by failure, his attempts to outwit the Trump Runner are legendary. The AAAC he formed seemed foolproof to the casual observer. One by one, though, just when you thought Wile E and the AAAC had set up the perfect ambush, something would go afoul, and they would be on the receiving end of a redirected anvil.
And in the silence of the Sonoran Desert, the MEEP MEEP! of the Trump Runner would once again resonate among the stately, sentinel saguaro cacti that define this desert.
Off in the distance, sitting by his flickering campfire with his guitar, a solitary cowboy by the name of Slim Everdingle, who has seen the folly of love many times before, strums out the chords of Freddy Fender's melancholy "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights," while he laments the unrequited passion that the Love Birds once shared with their respective spouses.
Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you behind
For you don't belong to me,
Your heart belongs to someone else.
NOTE: The Trump Runner never tires of winning........