WASHINGTON - A new budget deal negotiated by senate majority leader Harry Reid (D Nev) and republicans will be vetoed by President Obama if necessary. Under the terms of the $444 billion agreement, lawmakers would phase out all tax breaks for clean energy and wind energy but would maintain subsidies for the oil and gas industry, huge contributors to global warming. "I'll spank their sorry asses with my Veto power, said an angry Obama.
The package is heavily tilted toward corporations, will provide tax breaks for the rich. Not in the deal were expanded income tax credits and a child tax credit for the working poor. GOP senators said that harming the middle class and the poor was "payback for Obama's executive orders on immigration."
"I hate Obama and only am concerned about the 1% of Americans who make America great. Obama cares about the poor and wants to give them tax breaks. If he his for anything I'm against it. "Besides, the poor smell bad," said Sen. James Imhoff (R- OK).
The package includes tax breaks for wealthy car-racing track owners, as well as breaks for racehorse and pony owners.
"Why shouldn't the government assist me in giving my granddaughter a pony if she wants one? The pursuit of happiness in guaranteed in the Constitution," stated Harry Reid. He continued, "Giving subsides for clean energy to fight against global warming and for the survival of the human race is not a proper function of government."