The recent furore surrounding a teenage psychopath refused entry into the UK for tearing up her passport and supporting swivel-eyed loonies, has reached fever pitch, with a number of senior politicians expressing their opinions, our Making-Up-Political-Shit correspondent says.
"Apart from the teeth and the eyes, I'd do her," said a blond motoring Journalist, famous for misquoting Latin.
"Definitely not hateful or racist enough - really not a true Tory," said a mad vicar's daughter.
"She fuckin hates Jews, so gets my vote," a beardy twat was quoted as saying.
"My nanny says I should buy her, but not sure she's evil enough," said a prominent MP for the 18th century.
Other opinions range from "Grab torches and ptchforks" to "Only if her fat sister said no".
"She has the face of a pig, brains of a root vegetable, and a consuming hatred of all humanity," is a favourite quote in local insane asylums such as Westminster. By all accounts, this would make her a perfect SNP candidate.
"No feckin likely," our SNP sources have said. "She does na hate them English twats enough."
We tried to contact a LibDem for comment, but, apparently, it was his night for cookery class, and he had his phone switched off.