Sports Oddsmakers Say It’ll Be The Los Angeles Dodgers and The Kansas City Royals in This Year’s World Series Classic

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

image for Sports Oddsmakers Say It’ll Be The Los Angeles Dodgers and The Kansas City Royals in This Year’s World Series Classic
MLB is confident that by summer live fans in the stands will outnumber the cardboard fan cutouts.

LAS VEGAS – (Sports Satire) – Baseball oddsmakers have spoken and they say that the odds-on-favorites to meet in October’s World Series Classic are the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Kansas City Royals.

Noted Sin City oddsmaker Ted Tangerine, 71, stated that he has personally even gone as far as to predict that the world champion Dodgers will repeat as MLB champs and along with the NBA world champion L.A. Lakers be the "Co-Prides" of Tinsel Town.

Tangerine added somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that he and two of his great granddaughters, Tina, 24, and Gina 21, have bet $200,000 on the boys from the Left Coast to keep the championship trophy.

Meanwhile A.J. Hinch, who is the manager of the cellar-dwelling Detroit Tigers predicts that his team, which has the worst record of all 30 Major League baseball teams, is going to shock the hell out of the baseball sports world and the MoTown Tigers will be the 2021 World Series champions.

In Other News. Word coming out of Costa Rica is that the country has called off their planned summer invasion of Peru, due to major engine problems with their lone destroyer.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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