Medicine has announced a new disease Long Obesity.
They expect to make a lot of money treating it.
There has always been Obesity, about 10% of the human raced inherit Obesity genes. Most get obese from years of overeating.
Human society has always had Diabetes also.
But now two thirds of us have Pre - diabetes and it has proved very lucrative for doctors and hospitals. (All hospitals are now for - Profit).
This is phenomenon know as 'Disease Creep'.
When there are not enough Diabetics to make a lot of money - treat "Pre - Diabetes". (Not recognized as a medical condition.)
Doctors treat Pre - Diabetes and Pre - High Blood Pressure and now there is a huge financial opportunity to treat Long Obesity.
Long Obesity happens when people overeat and don't exercise.
Medicine will treat this with Drugs - not Diet and Exercise (which are Unscientific) - (And unprofitable).
No doctor employs a Nutritionist - no profit in it.
Drugs are the way to go.
So - Who knows what the new pre - Disease is after this one?
Maybe Pre - Alzheimer’s. (Do you forget things at times?)