NASA Reports That The New Planet Labia Majora Is Made Up of 43% Gold!

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

image for NASA Reports That The New Planet Labia Majora Is Made Up of 43% Gold!
The planet was named after the Greek goddess of Menopause.

HOUSTON - (Satire News) - NASA has just made an amazing announcement. Planet experts have revealed that tests show that Labia Majora (the planet) is made up of 43% gold.

A NASA spokesperson stated that the discovery was made after the US planet rover, Mrs. Daniel Boone sent back samples of Labia Majora dirt and dozens of yellow shiny particles were discovered to be gold that is 99.7% pure.

BuzzFuzz is reporting that the world's largest corporation Bezos-Musk, Inc., has offered to purchase Labia Majora for an undisclosed amount of money, which VP Harris says is close to all of the money in Ireland, India, Indonesia, and Indianapolis combined.

After contacting the nation's leading gold expert, Franz DuFranz, 63, NASA is now reporting that the gold on Labia Majora could be worth more than 803 Damazillion!

[EDITOR'S NOTE: One Damazillion equals 473,901 millions!]

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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