Occasionally the Spoof discovers an error in its reporting of daily events, and would like to take this opportunity to rectify these errors.
An early Spoof news article from 19,612 B.C. quoted a caveman named 'Rarg' as saying, "Ug ug ! Grog gug uh oog oog!" The correct quote should have been "Ug ug! Grog gug oog oog uh!"
The Spoof regrets the error.
The First Lady was quoted in 2019 calling the then-President of the United States as a 'Fish Head'. She did, in fact, actually refer to the President as a 'Piss Head'.
The Spoof regrets the error.
A story from 2021 stated that local hillbilly Williker J. Rufus had married his own mother. This is incorrect. Rufus actually married his Aunt's sister.
The Spoof regrets the error.
A report from a 1943 Spoof claimed that Adolf Hitler's closest advisors had sung 'Happy Birthday' to him, but this isn't quite the full story. What was actually sung was: "Happy Birthday, A**Hole! Happy Birthday, A**Hole! Happy Birrrthday, you F***ing A**Hollle! Happy Birthday to you!"
The Spoof regresses the error.
A 2022 Spoof Snippet revealed that an $87,000,000,000 Government study found that most mistakes by people were caused by 'doing this instead of that'. The cost was, in fact, $87,000,000,477.12.
The Spoof regains the error.
In 2019 the Spoof reported that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had had the audacity to wear black-face makeup at several parties on several occasions. The Prime Minister vigorously needed to refute part of this story. He absolutely did wear black-face makeup in public. He just wanted everyone to know it was Max Factor For Men, and not Revlon or Maybelline.
The Spoof regurgitates the error.