CHICAGO - (Satire News) - The organization known as Smart American's Who Know That Trump Is Evil (SAWKTTIS) has just spent millions of dollars putting up "Trump Still Sux" billboards all over America.
The 904,717 member group, which is made up entirely of disgruntled former Trump supporters, says that they have all finally seen the light and realize that the shithead that they revered is actually nothing but a low-life, scum-sucking, pussy-grabbing, draft-dodging piece of dinosaur shit.
The vice-president of SAWKTTIS, Mavis P. Patchouli, 93, said that in all of her 93 years on this planet she has never seen a con man who could literally sell air conditioners to Eskimos the way that Donald The Little Prick can.
Meanwhile Trump says that he will be suing each one of the 904,717 members of SAWKTTIS for being stupid, ignorant, and traitorous traitors; plus most are all ugly as slime, they're overweight, and they have cellulite all over their fat-ass bodies including on their areolas. ■