Mr. Law and Order, the guy with no laws or order and ignored Coronavirus, has the Mayor of Portland, Oregon tear-gassed. Trump wasn’t kidding when he recommended drinking Clorox or Lysol to kill the virus. He has a 'So what?' attitude, and the Mayor of Portland, got in the way and was gassed.
However, while claiming to be strict on law and order, Donald Trump, expresses best wishes to the paramour of convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, admitting, “I met her several times.”
Did he have any words of concern or best wishes or apology for the Mayor of Portland, sprayed with tear gas?
It seems like, maybe, wishing Ghislaine Maxwell well was a coded message to Maxwell, to "stay mum, hang tight, don’t mention my name, and I’ll give you a Roger Stone pardon..."
Whoops! Following Jeffrey Epstein’s death, hang tight may not be the best of possible suggestions.
But America's Humpty Dumpty is sitting on a very narrow, fragile wall, and he’s being propped up and supported on that wall by the likes of Mitch McConnell, William Barr, and other voiceless Republicans.
The United States will indeed require that Clorox and Lysol used to clean out the smear and stench left by Trump and his supporters. Nancy Pelosi predicted that Trump will have to be fumigated out of the White House.
Nah, Bone Spurs will go quietly, but begging President Biden for a Roger Stone, Ghislaine Maxwell kind of pardon.
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