NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - The US attorney general says he finally got sick and tired of hearing Trump tell lie, after lie, after lie, said that he finally decided to resign because Trump had turned into a dictator; a fucked up, racist, predatorial dictator.
AG Bill Barr told BuzzFuzz reporter Sonora Cahoots that his former boss, known as "The Cheeto-Faced Creep" managed to tell more damn lies in one week than the entire population of Indiana combined.
Barr told the Trumptard, at least seven times a day, that the election was 100% fair, and no one had stolen the election from him, and that he had to face the fact that the American people did not want to elect a douche bag peckerwood, who bragged about grabbing women by their pussies.
The former attorney general had more class, kindness, and fairness in his little finger than Trump The Nazi Lover had in his entire 338 pound fat, ugly, orange-colored body.
Right before Bill Barr resigned and left the White House he told Trumpy that he has to simply grow some balls, and realize that Joey Biden kicked his tangerine-colored butt, and that there was not even a hint of anyone cheating.
SIDENOTE: Pope Francisco has stated on many occasions that Trump is so mean, so evil, and so unreligious that he makes the hate-filled, nasty, creature Marjorie Taylor Greene look like a Vatican nun.