Donald Trump Shows How Positively Ignorant He Is As He Now Says That California’s Wild Fires Were Caused By Vicious Fireflies

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 3 January 2022

image for Donald Trump Shows How Positively Ignorant He Is As He Now Says That California’s Wild Fires Were Caused By Vicious Fireflies
Two of Trump's former caddies have stated on-the-record that he always deducts at least 30 points from his actual score.

DUCK DUNG, Alabama – (Satire News) – The “Turdhead” (DJT) who said that COVID was a hoax, and he won the election by 54 million votes, and that the Boy Scouts of America were conducting a “Witch Hunt” on him has now surpassed even his most stupid, idiotic, numskull claims.

Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump, or “Nazi Face” as Nancy Pelosi has pegged him, now says that the cause of the 3,972 California forest fires of this past summer were due to the state not controlling their viciously vicious firefly population.

The Trumptard was in Duck Dung, Alabama playing a round of golf at The KKK Commemorative Golf Course.

According to a Secret Service agent, Melania’s asshole husband was playing with a Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, a racist gynecologist, and the man known as “Sissy Britches” Sen. Lindsay Graham.

Trump of course won shooting an amazingly astounding 61, while the other three shot 83, 87, and 96 respectfully.

SIDENOTE: Lindsay Graham’s caddy later told a reporter for The National Rumblings News Agency, that Trump cheated (as always) and he actually shot a 94.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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