STALE BISCUIT, Tennessee – (Satire News) – The country music singer who, some years back, fell off a mountain and survived is back in the news.
Hank Williams Jr. spoke with Entertainment Tonight and said that he recalls the day when he fell off Mt. Jimmy Crack Corn and broke every bone in his body except for this tongue.
The scruffy, bearded, self-proclaimed “King of the Singing Hillbillies” recalled seeing every bottle of beer that he had ever drank flash before his eyes.
The music entertainer said that, due to some major lip injuries, for nine months, all he could eat was tomato soup, grits, and guacamole dip.
Williams was asked by ET what he thought about President Trump.
Hank Jr. took a sip out of his bottle of El Matador Tequila, and said that Donnie J is the sexiest and most handsome president since George Washington.
He noted that he has even written a song in the President’s honor titled, “Hey, Mr. Donald, You Can Grab All The Hooha You Want, I Don’t Give a Tinker’s Damn”.
The country crooner has started a petition to take down the Statue of Liberty and replace her with a Statue of Trump.
Old Hank Jr. then said that he loves Trump so much, that if DJT was a woman, he would marry her quicker than an NBA player can say “Yo, bro.”