The NRA is so rich, they are expanding and buying NASCAR for $20 Million.
The new name is the National Rifle and Racing Association - NRRA.
It is the NRA's idea of competing with Disney. Disney makes lots of money - and the NRA wants to branch out into the lucrative Entertainment business.
Racing will be much more exciting when the drivers are armed. A list of proposed rules was given to the press. If you kill someone you are disqualified. But shooting the other cars up is OK.
No hitting tires, unless near the finish line. So, the fastest driver who is the best shot will win. All will wear body armor.
There will be lots of duelling near the finish line. The drivers can use heavy pistols only - Glocks, etc - none of those Combat rifles that the Teen boys use - those are too powerful. There should be some exciting action next year when it starts.
If it's a Money Maker, a Theme Park where all the rides - Tilt A Whirl, etc - are armor plated and equipped with guns might be next. in the works.
I could see an armed Mickey and Minnie soon, as this might be next big wave in Entertainment.
Violent videos games are big, and this might be just as big.