April Fools

Funny story written by Backandtotheleft

Sunday, 1 April 2018

image for April Fools
Let judgement be upon ewe

Unlike some less reputable news outlets we at Back and to the Left news don’t “toe the line” when it comes to traditional pieces. In other words we don’t make up a fake news story just because it’s the first of April. So we caught up with what’s going on around the world:

•A group of “militiamen” stormed into a village in the Democratic Republic of Congo and hacked limbs from a 11 year old girl while slashing another 2 year old as if “they were trying to slaughter a goat”.

•The UN have called for a “independent investigation” into why 16 Palestinians were shot and killed (including one farmer out picking parsley) and 1400 wounded. The Palestinians were staging a sit in protest at the time.

•Statistics have shown that 4050 special needs children are without a school place because of a lack of funding from the government.

• There’s a reality TV star in charge of the USA. The President of China has made it impossible for him to be removed from power. The UK has a female PM who has voted consistently against laws that would improves women’s rights in the workplace

Next year were pretending to interview LeBron over his marriage to a puma

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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