
Funny satire stories about April Fools Day

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Funny story: Ill advised April Fool's Day joke falls flat

Ill advised April Fool's Day joke falls flat

In an ill-advised April Fool's Day Joke, Boris Johnson has offered Buckingham Palace to Donald Trump. Posting on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages Mr Johnson said 'We have never really thanked Donald Trump for all of the good that he did d…

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Funny story: Unrenowned Writer Found Undead

Unrenowned Writer Found Undead

A highly unrenowned writer for The Onion was found undead near Fargo, North Dakota Thursday. The cause of death is not being investigated even though the body of Kilroy Kovacs III, who went by the pseudonym “Kilroy”, was found dressed in a bunny suit…

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Funny story: Man Adheres To Government's Social-Distancing Rules, Despite Wife's Efforts To Get Back Into House

Man Adheres To Government's Social-Distancing Rules, Despite Wife's Efforts To Get Back Into House

The UK government has stressed it is one hundred per cent serious about its Coronavirus social-distancing rules, that's what one man just couldn't seem to get his wife to understand, this week, as she repeatedly tried to get back into their home in H...

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Funny story: Man Was Tripped Up On Legging-Up Day

Man Was Tripped Up On Legging-Up Day

A man who was glad to get through the potentially prank-filled morning of Wednesday 1April without a single April Fools Day prank being played on him, soon fell for the oldest trick in the book just after midday, when he was tripped-up near his home...

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Funny story: Man Felt A Bit Of A Fool

Man Felt A Bit Of A Fool

There was confusion and a certain sense of torrid self-consciousness about one man when he woke up and got out of bed on Wednesday morning, leaving him uncertain as to what was wrong with him. The situation unfolded in the early hours after the ge...

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Funny story: Harlem Man Questions Wisdom of April Fools' Day Joke of Proposing to Girlfriend He Plans to Break Up With

Harlem Man Questions Wisdom of April Fools' Day Joke of Proposing to Girlfriend He Plans to Break Up With

A lover of laughs and practical jokes, Lionel Freedman of Harlem, New York, considered pulling the quintessential April Fool’s prank of proposing to his girlfriend, Natasha, only to then tell her that he actually wanted to break up, but, after some t...

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Funny story: Easter Fell On April Fools Day This Year Hence These Inappropriate Jokes-

Easter Fell On April Fools Day This Year Hence These Inappropriate Jokes-

WARNING- Not for the religiously sensitive!!! God to the world- “He wasn't really my son! He was adopted!...................April Fool!” Jesus as he comes out of his tomb three days later- “That wasn't really me on the cross! It was some other guy I sold it to....................April Fool!” Judas to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane- “I didn't really turn you in. I just pretended to be...

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Funny story: April Fools

April Fools

Unlike some less reputable news outlets we at Back and to the Left news don’t “toe the line” when it comes to traditional pieces. In other words we don’t make up a fake news story just because it’s the first of April. So we caught up with what’s goin...

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Funny story: First April Fools Easter Sunday Since Crucifiction Says ‘Eater Of Blood’ Prof

First April Fools Easter Sunday Since Crucifiction Says ‘Eater Of Blood’ Prof

Jerusalem, Israel - A highly successful Ancient Judean hoax is coming full circle this weekend according to the author of a book about Christian subjugation to Jewish ritual cannibalism during the dark daze of the Roman Plague. Former Chief Rabbis...

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Funny story: The Queen's April Fools Day spoof

The Queen's April Fools Day spoof

London - Her Majesty Queen Elizardbirth is planning to teach politicians a well deserved lesson by feigning death on April Fools Day. A number of courtiers are in on the jape which will see royal arselicker-in-chief cum Prime Monster David Cameron...

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Funny story: Royals still praying the Queen doesn't drop dead on April Fools

Royals still praying the Queen doesn't drop dead on April Fools

Ballybollox Castle, Berks - Bookies' odds of even money were hurriedly snapped up this weekend just as the UK government posted emergency briefs about the ageing Queen 'going down with the lurgi' after an earwig was found inside the royal's pants.

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Funny story: Panic as Cameron's face appears on a slice of GCHQ toast

Panic as Cameron's face appears on a slice of GCHQ toast

London - A canteen lady at the UK's premier listening station nearly got the sack today after a slice of charred toast was mistaken for a deliberate April Fools prank. Mrs Doris Carnoustie was serving GCHQ CEO Sir Monty Dambusta his usual breakfas...

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Funny story: April Fools: Your Mother Is Dead

April Fools: Your Mother Is Dead

BREAKING (WTFM) - In the single most tasteless attempt at a joke fate could muster, your mother has died on April Fool's Day. You receive the call from your sister around 3:00 AM - a particularly sadistic time because of the fact that you have to...

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Funny story: Gravity, Time, Celestial Mechanics... All Bastards Says Local Woman

Gravity, Time, Celestial Mechanics... All Bastards Says Local Woman

A local woman has lashed out at the workings of the universe following the realisation that her birthday fell on a Sunday. She claims that if the universe had been better arranged, she would not face going to work on Monday with a hangover. Mrs...

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Funny story: Royals praying Queen doesn't drop dead on April Fools

Royals praying Queen doesn't drop dead on April Fools

Windsor - A service of thanksgiving for the mad old Queen Mum dropping dead 10 years ago poured cold water on predictions that Queen Elizabeth II will kick the bucket this Sunday. Apparently the psychotic centenarian's last actual words were "I'll...

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Funny story: April Fool to take entire British media to court

April Fool to take entire British media to court

On a day traditionally accepted as the one day in the year when the media are allowed to write concocted and totally untrue stories - except of course for the Sun and Star who generally do it 6 days a week all year around - it has turned out a miser...

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Funny story: Moussa Koussa warns of April Fools Day plot to kill the Queen

Moussa Koussa warns of April Fools Day plot to kill the Queen

London - The tit-for-tat revenge plot harks back to a 1996 MI6 spoof assassination scam, the former Libyan foreign minister told debriefers today. This was to rub out Muammar Gaddafi and replace him with another of the Queen's nasty little bastard...

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