Republicans Call Arnie A 'New Deal Democrat'

Funny story written by Cal Jennings

Saturday, 28 April 2007

image for Republicans Call Arnie A 'New Deal Democrat'
Arnie Called A 'New Deal Democrat'

CCN - Cal-ee-for-nee-uh - "He ain't no Republicrat," cried George Bush. "Govnur Arnuld Shwars.. Schwarz... Schwer... the Terminatur guy don't stand for Repbulicrat values."

"He's for such Democart things as prison reform," continued the president. "You know, like investing in the good of the goverment, and protecting the water supply. What good Republicrat is for those things? Hell, he even sent people to help the Katrina victums. You KNOW good Republicrats don't care about that.

"Hell, heh heh... he even signed a bill on Global Warming. He really stepped over thuh line when he did something to help hurt workers. I mean, heh, heh... who cares about hurt workers? He's obviusly a Democart in wolves clothing.

"Heck, he's more Kennedy than Kennedy was."

Democrats in Congress are considering adding an amendment to the Constitution to allow Gov. Schwarzenegger to run for president in the 2008 elections. The Democratic leader said, "Hell, if Bubba can do it, why can't we?"

President Bush said that he was "withdrawing Arnie's invitation" to the Bush/Blair wedding. Tony Blair agreed, saying, "We just can't have a traitor like that at our wedding. It would ruin the whole event."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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